What did being named an RGA Leader of Tomorrow mean to you?
It was a tremendous honor to have been a part of the Leader of Tomorrow program. I am grateful for the recommendation from my mentor at work, as well as the generous recognition from the IIS and RGA.
The Risk and Insurance Management (RIM) programme launched the second term of the 1999-2000 school year and is recognized by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) and the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF). Since 2016, the professional training of the curriculum has been further strengthened. The CII currently grants our programme an exemption of 130 credits towards its insurance qualifications.
Michael Morrissey, Special Advisor, International Insurance Society, Inc.
NEW YORK, NY – June 17, 2020
The International Insurance Society and The Institutes have announced that Mike Morrissey will retire as President and Chief Executive Officer, after more than eleven years in the position.
White Paper by The Institutes
What are you most proud of accomplishing in your career?
I’m very proud of creating the first catastrophe modeling company, AIR, and I’m most proud of reimagining and reinventing the catastrophe modeling industry with KCC’s impressive team of experts. It took even more tenacity and vision to build KCC’s accurate and open models and advanced applications for risk management.
What did being named an RGA Leader of Tomorrow mean to you?