IIS Executive Insights Cyber Expert: David Piesse, CEO, DP88
IIS Executive Insights Life & Health Expert: Ronald Klein, Executive Director, BILTIR
The life insurance industry provides protection against the financial consequences of the premature death of a family breadwinner, disability, or outliving one’s retirement assets. But how are life insurance products actually designed and priced?
Kyobo Life
Kyobo Life Insurance Company, one of the biggest life insurers in South Korea, was established in 1958 after the devastation of the Korean war based on the founding mottoes of "Promotion of National Education” and “Formation of National Capital" which were considered as the 2 fundamental elements for the development of the country’s future.
IIS Executive Insights Resilience Expert: Joan Lamm-Tennant, PhD, Founder and Former CEO, Blue Marble Microinsurance, Corporate Director
Joshua H. Landau, President of IIS and PIC
IIS Executive Insights Innovation Expert: Chunka Mui, Futurist and Innovation Advisor
Society at large needs the insurance industry to become an even more powerful catalyst and lubricant for societal innovation. The opportunities for doing so are immense and the taking on of such a role is deep in the history and DNA of the industry. The time to do so is also ripe, given both societal need and the growing attention to corporate purpose on the part of investors, boards of directors and employees.
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